Post Job
After you have successfully built your profile, you can post jobs.
Note: In order to post a job, you will need to have any funds in your account. Click Add Funds to add funds.
The FST platform integrates multiple payment gateways like Stripe and Paypal that guarantees smooth payment processing. You can Contact Us if you prefer a Wire Transfer payment method.
To post a job, you need to fill the ‘Post a Job’ Form.
Experience Level: Here, you can choose the experience level you are looking for in the technician.
Project Title: Add an eye-catchy title for your project that can attract suitable technicians.
Project Summary: To explain your project better in detail, you can add a project summary, mentioning the job requirements and other relevant information.
Attachment: If your job has any specific requirement or guideline, you can attach it on the form.
Category & Sub-Category: You need to select the specific category and sub-category your project belongs to.
Location: Add the Country Name & City Name where your on-site job is available.
Select Skill: Then, you need select the skills you are looking for in the technician.
Project Type: At FST, you can post two types of project.
Hourly Fixed